Thursday, December 15, 2005

Peck on the Cheek - for starters


Well firstly, I currently have a lot of free time on my hands, which is funny, considering I am attending classes for French and Financial Accounting and watching at least a movie a day.

Secondly... rather soon I'm going to be out of the country for a little while, attending b-school, and need a forum where I can let people know just a little bit of what my life is like.

Third... there are several bloggers out there who write wonderful blogs with wonderful posts and I'm tired of being an anonymous guy leaving anonymous comments.

Finally... I'll no longer have to answer people who ask me what I do all day.

I may not link to headlines that make news or those that don't but deserve to. There are far better bloggers who do that really well. What I hope to do is give myself a literary outlet, keeping friends and family in the loop, occasionally encourage a blogger, occasionally review a movie I liked or just comment on things I notice.

Hopefully, in time, this blog and its contents will improve and hopefully I'll get the odd comment ever so often.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to ur blogs:)

Incognito said...

Je t'accueille