This is going to be a crazy few days. Have a couple of interviews coming up.
It just seems like the entire MBA thus far has been a dress rehearsal, a dry run, a light scrimmage, a warm-up game, a shadow box for the events of the week.
Interviews coming up within the next few days for a Marketing position, based in Asia, for an International Bank and a UK based position for a top Consulting firm. This, as they say, is what its all about.
Seems strange that despite all the fun, work and 'education' of the last 10 months, if I don't end up with a job, it'd all seem pointless, which is far from the truth.
The last 10 months have been some of the most memorable of my life and I shouldn't let the job search affect me so much. In truth though, the prospect of being jobless post-December is a little too daunting to comprehend and contemplate at this point. Maybe if I don't think about it, the possibility will just go away, like Boogeymen in Calvin's mind and sunshine in Fontainebleau.
Its getting very cold very quick here and today I inaugurated the heavy artillery winter clothing. For a while I thought I looked like I'd be more at home in a Siberian Dacha but then came across a few locals similarly attired and instantly felt warmer.
Now that I'm onto fashion trends, I definitely need to know what the deal is with all these women wearing shin-length boots? Methinks its the latest fashion trend. Practically every woman on campus is wearing 'em though some wear them tucked inside their pants / jeans. Strange.
Speaking of Consultants, they're all over town, with all hotels completely booked up this recruiting season. There's a spate of interviews scheduled for the remainder of the month and most of the suit attired people you see walking the streets turn out to be prospective interviewers.
I passed a bunch of these people, walking in twos, as I walked past them on my way home last night. Caught snatches of conversation which included, "Round table conference", "We had to fire all of our people", "Recruiting for the London Office", "late for the client meeting". Seemed like they were returning back to their hotel after dinner and I couldn't believe that even a single group wasn't talking shop.
I think that's a sign.
From now on its no-nonsense, pure-business.
Wasted enough time. End of post.
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