Time sure goes fast. Only another two months remain in the MBA programme. Another period has ended and that means it is time for another poem.
Each end-of-period poem usually has a theme to it. This one is about the job search.
Without further ado, here it is.
Discussing P4's Big Question When the days get short and the nights get cold
Will you wonder about what's in store?
Will you turn on the heater, huddle in the sheets
Will you reflect upon P4?
Bear with me while I ruminate
Give me some moments of your time
While I follow my regular end-of-P tradition
And sum up the P in rhyme
A major question has arisen this P
It has spread, yes, it surrounds
Without the answer, without a way out
We seem to simply run aground
Classes seem incidental, a matter of course
There's only one thing that we see
And when we greet old long lost friends
We ask them, 'Got a j-o-b?'
Tension has a death grip upon our mind
'Wasn't b-school supposed to be fun?'
And when we get a 2nd round interview call
We anxiously wonder, 'Is this the ONE?'
Do you even notice rare days of glorious sun?
Did you realize that 8 weeks have slipped by?
Do you understand that you can't have all
This time back even if you try?
At the end of the year what will you remember?
Will it be the good moments of the year?
Or will be it the moments of desperate search
Or an interview eve spent in fear?
Will you remember your time spent with friends?
Or your moments in the pack?
Or will you think about the rejection letters
From Bain or from big McK?
Do you think that's a true measure of your worth?
Is that what really counts?
Will a pay hike then cause an increase
In your worth's amounts?
When someone asks you, "How was b-school?"
Just what will you say?
Will you say, "Oh. Yeah. It was really great.
My job pays 100K."?
A job is certainly really important
You may have to pay off a loan
But you can only control some circumstances
And have to leave others on their own
You may have had an initial vision
Getting a job of which you dream
Gaining riches unprecedented
Achievements on your own steam
Will you remember that dreams are important?
Can you, with bumps in the road, still believe?
That Dreams are present to make it even sweeter
When it is that you achieve
Can you keep the faith, draw support from friends?
If you don't have a job, can you smile?
Atleast on weekends can you let stress dissipate
And just relax for a little while?
This is a network that will last you years
So treasure the moments, the small happenings
Try to dismiss disappointments with a round of beer
And thus, with friends, celebrate your 'dings'
Celebrate also others' job successes
Make sure you wish them well
The weather changes so quickly here
That you'll soon see your own sunny spell
What about you who already have a job?
What do you feel, on the whole?
Are you glad to be out of this stressful rat race?
And do relief waves flood your soul?
Feel no guilt in the fact that your job hunt is done
You deserve your every success
Just bcos there are others who are still in the hunt
Doesn't make your success any less
After all we're a gang who is in it together
We're part of one disparate group
There's no way that a chaotic recruiting season
Could cause dissention within the troupe
There is often genuine pleasure in another's success
It feels like victory in a mini-war
And for perspective when a stubborn recruiter rejects
Isn't that what this great gang is for?
So remember the parties, the times of fun
Don't hold on to moments of pain
Write a journal, at the least take photographs
This will soon be your memory lane
Recall P1s stumbling through welcome week
Or P2 when we hardly slept a wink
There's so much of P3 that you'll recall
If you just stop to think
Run your fingers over your class photographs
Recall the details of these days
If you had to remember your b-school life
Shouldn't this be the appropriate way?
To those of us leaving Fonty's borders
I bid you a thunderous 'bye'
And wish you safe passage with a sailor's toast
'May you always see clear blue sky'
To all of you, I wish you all possible luck
May you have endless heart to strive
And may the force be always with you
In these, the glorious days of our lives