Sunday, January 22, 2006

Its All About the Choices

B-School is about working hard. B-School has wild parties. Irrespective of which of the previous two statements you believe, in B-School you don't have too much time.

The truth is, the first and second statements are both correct. In B-School, what you have is the option to choose exactly what you want to do. By answering a set of questions, your clear path emerges.

Which classes do I attend?
Which workshops can be skipped?
What are the supplementary lectures that can help me?
Which career guidance lectures are pointless?
Where are the 'happening' parties?

Its all about the choices you make. What you have here is the chance to reset your life or build on the one you already have. To freak out if you've been slaving for the last 3 years or finally knuckle down and get working. Its all about the options you choose and the choices you make.

There's just too much going on to allow one to attend everything and not be stressed out at the end of it.

Irrespective of the choices made, the path taken, you probably come out a whole lot more responsible. The fact is, how you end up after B-School is a direct result of the choices you make during your time there and the results of these choices can stay with you for a long time. Its just a little unnerving.

I'm off now. I choose to go and do my Financial Accounting assignment. If I don't, you see... I might regret it.


Anonymous said...

looks like you are going to end up with quite a few 'roads not taken'. good luck anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

It's nice you are quite focussed!! keep it up