Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Peanut Poetry - 1, 2 and 3

So, at least once in 6 months, the idea is to write a poem (or rhyming lines, if you prefer) for Advay.
Even though we make it fairly clear to him how much he is loved, it seems interesting, at least to me, to have something to document how we felt at various points along this journey.

This was poem one:

The 10th day of Feb dawned bright and clear
Nervous, I paced the floor
As the minutes ticked past half past nine
I couldn't take no more

Then the sound of a cry hit the air
Time seemed to be on pause
But in order to celebrate, still
We didn't have a cause

At last the doctor popped out her head
"Husband of Gayatri?"
You have a baby boy she said and
Brought him for us to see

Clad in that same orange swaddle cloth
Which once your sisters wrapped
You were placed into my waiting arms
And there you slowly napped

Thanks and prayers escaped my silent lips
Old nightmares flew away
Your arrival seemed a herald to
A bea-u-tiful day

There's since been times of discovery
And nights of little rest
You seem to sleep through most of the day
Midnight brings out your best

You gurgle, frown and sigh in your sleep
What are you dreaming of?
You give an empty and vacant look;
Admire the sky above

You hiccup for 30 minutes straight
My palpitations rise
I wonder if this could happen in
Someone of your small size

You cry before your nightly feed
Friends say that's what kids do
And I'm thinking in my head,  "I'm sure"
"Your kids worried you too"

You pee just when your diaper's removed
Everyone laughs out loud
But to tell the truth little man, you
Already make me proud

And occasionally, while you nap
A smile crosses your lips
Waves of euphoria fly o'er me
And my heart does backflips

At noontime lulls at work I wonder
Is his post-lunch feed done?
And is it normal to experience
Sine waves of emotion?

This surely must be what they call, an
Experience life-changing
I look forward to your bright future
To watch you dance and sing

Until then you have my hand to hold
My presence by your side
While my lines chronicle your story, through
This kingdom far and wide

Poem #2 at 6 months:

It seems like it was yesterday
When you, tiny peanut, were born
But I realize with a shock
That six months have, somehow, just gone

Flown by in a crowd of events
Mixed with colds, coughs and runny nose
Monthly cupcakes and photographs
Vitamin D; Colic-Aid dose

While not worried about hiccups
Thoughts still arise when you complain
Are you teething; hungry maybe?
Have you now sufficient weight gain?

I see you just 4 hours a day
Else I'm at work or you're asleep
And so I watch you in your crib
As you lay quietly counting sheep

I'm petrified, anxiety-filled
Wondering if you will perceive
That your dear father is the one
With the songs and lines up his sleeve

Many nervous moments are spent
The bell rung and waiting a while
D'you know the man behind the door?
Will you then greet him with a smile?

I've loved the time that has "whoosh"-ed past
Morning baths, and songs at nap time
Your gurgling and excited kicks
Your squeals that almost are in rhyme

Your drool that splashes on my shirts
Your worm-like, winding, tumbling crawl
Penchant for chewing everything
Your awesome, right-side, dimple small

Eyes that shine with the light of youth
Eager fingers that fly to mouth
A cute tummy that produces
Thundering sounds from the deep South

These sights and sounds that form my days
Long may they ever continue
And I'm fortunate, blessed to have
A tiny peanut, just like you

This was the 1-yr poem:

A year of parenting has been and gone
We've really not been keeping score
Of the numerous scrapes and worried frowns
As you face-planted on the floor

Or the many times that you've pooped your pants
Just as we're all ready to leave
Or when you have drooled and spat all over
My formal office white shirt sleeve

Or when you've woken up at half-past one
Not in the mood for milk or food
Or the improvised diaper-changing songs
We've sung out loud with attitude

Or the times Mommy has given a nudge
Exclaimed, "Your turn", to no avail
Or times Daddy has, with contorted face,
Emptied your smelly diaper pail

Or when small, missing objects are searched for
Inside your eager, tiny mouth
Or meals when all you do is drink water
As if from a land of great drought

Or the Movies we want to see and cant
Spas we want to visit and don't
The times when seemingly tasty dinner
Could be eaten, but you just won't

'Cause when you smile and give that toothy grin
All else just simply fades to grey
And anger, occasional frustration
Simply matters not; flies away

Each day brings us something completely new;
And the first year that has gone by
Tells me that you're surely going to be
A totally watchable guy

But the one thing that we can surely count
Is how lucky and blessed we are
And that having you around has made us
The happiest parents by far